Choose Best Webhosting using Website Hosting Secret Revealed
There are hundreds of companies that are providing hosting services in the present time. But not all of them are completely reliable or trustworthy. I myself have seen a lot many users getting conned and spoofed by renowned companies in the course of providing good hosting services for website building or blogging purposes.
In the year 2008, one of the victims of several bad hosting companies thought of building a platform that provides useful and reliable information about the companies that offer great hosting services and other trustworthy products. The name of this person is Jerry Low. He founded Web Hosting Secret Revealed in the month of May in the year 2008. He has been a victim of several different bad hosting companies like Network Eleven (which he claims to be the worst), Apollo Hosting, etc.
A bad web host not only gives bad services but also has the power to loot you and absolutely destroy your business. WHSR's makers have been through all of that and don’t want us fellow mates to become the next victim.
WHSR has grown with time and has become one of the most reliable websites for choosing best hosting services.
The WHSR website comprises of three individual sections, namely: "Find A Host", "Tools" and "Resources". The focus of "Find A Host" is to provide trustworthy hosting reviews and guide to those shoppers who are looking for them. "Tools" provides easy-to-use tools to collect information for web hosting services. And lastly, "Resources" is meant to offer digital marketing and smart blogging tips.
WHR's website provides us with a list of all the renowned hosting companies and rates them accordingly for us. It also tells us about the sites for each hosting company from where the hosting will be available for the shoppers to buy. Visit hosting reviews to check the list.
If your site goes down frequently, you should probably change your web host. WHSR Team has recommended a lot of great hosting companies considering the factors like Storage, Transfer, Control, Time for Trial, etc. and has made a list of them on their website.Check website update for the ratings given to several hosting companies.
WHSR offers us a tool that allows us to check the name of the hosting service that our competitor has used on their website just by entering the URL of their website in the search box on the WHSR site. Check web host spy to do the above mentioned.
The best part about WHSR is that it comes with a 101 Blogging Guide for the beginners which is fabulously helpful.
WHSR Blogging Guide
Starting a blog is not difficult in the today's world.That's true that it might get quite tricky in the later period but as of, in the beginning, blogging is not at all difficult and is absolutely do-able for anyone and everyone who has an access to the internet.
WHSR offers a 7 Chapter course which is electronically based for the newbies in the blogging world and this is definitely their first stop. Using WHSR feels like they are actually holding our hand and walking us through all the basics of setting up a blog online. To avail the course, visit blogging with WHSR.
Free Sketches using WHSR
Another amazing feature of WHSR is that it offers numerous hand drawn icons and free sketches that can be used for beautifying our blogs. Its premium pack was released in June 2015 and it includes numerous commonly used items for blogs and a lot of icons for the social media sites too.
Social media sites, for which the icons are provided, include Facebook, Pinterest,LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, YouTube, Digg, Reddit, WordPress, Squarespace, Evernote, Github, Feedburner, Vimeo, Slash dot, RSS, MySpace, etc.
Common items for blogging whose hand-drawn sketches/icons are available on WHSR's site to include Email, Mouse, Laptop, Keyboard, Mac book, Hard disk, Image, Notepad, Monitor, Plugin, Wifi, Pencil, Headphone, Fonts, Alarm, Calendar, Delete,Light bulb, Profile id, Pie chart, etc.To avail this feature, check free icons.
Considering all these amazing feature, tools and qualities of Website Hosting Service Revealed, I strongly recommend it for buying and maintaining hostings for websites, blogs etc.