Get Bluesky Invite Code Free Online[100%]

Updated on: April 24, 2023

Twitter was a revolution when it was launched. Though it drew a lot of criticism over the selective marking of celebrity status, people eventually appreciated its pros more than the ignorable con. However, lately, Twitter is not been the same. It is strictly monitored, gathers your data, presents you with information based on an algorithm set by Twitter itself, and is a puppet to Elon Musk’s wishes.

This is why Jack Dorsey launched a new Twitter-like platform named Bluesky which will be decentralized from control. Bluesky is web3 social media dApp. Bluesky had been launched for iOS users and recently for Android users. It is a new trend in the market, and everyone wants to join the social platform. However, it’s not that easy.

How to get your Bluesky invite code free online[100%]

Get your Bluesky invite code free online[100%]

What is Bluesky and why is it important?

I will try to write a long story short. Jack Dorsey created Twitter for a purpose and in its earlier days, censorship was minimal. While the option to report existed, it rarely brought any outcome. However, recently people started protecting their data collection and the fact that they were presented information as per the algorithm of Twitter’s choice. This meant that the social media platform has the power of controlling the way people thought and this was eventually used in election meddling.

Eventually, censorship had to be introduced and many celebrities including Donald Trump were banned. However, later Elon Musk took control of Twitter and now he instead removed the Blue Tick for Jack Dorsey. So, Jack started a new platform named Bluesky which is supposed to be a rival to Twitter.

Why is Bluesky trending?

Bluesky is trending because people are fed up with Twitter. Bluesky offers what all Twitter doesn’t. First of all, Bluesky allows users to choose the algorithm which decides the information they receive. Thus, they won’t be psychologically controlled by a central authority. Then, Bluesky allows the merging of multiple social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram into one channel. Thus, you will be accessing a single social media world and won’t have to use multiple applications.

The best part is that most Americans dislike Elon Musk and Bluesky will be free from his control.

How to access Bluesky web3 social media platform?

Bluesky is invite-only. This means that you will not be able to access it without an invitation from an existing user. As for the link to the app, try the following:



You will have to download the app from these links and signup before trying for an invitation.

How to get a Bluesky invite for free?

Since you can only get a Bluesky invite from an existing member, you will need to find such a member.

The options are:

1. Reddit: Use this group to search for invites

Get your Bluesky invite code free online

2. Twitter:

On Twitter, use the hashtag #Bluesky to search for invites

Bluesky invite

Interestingly, getting an invite is easy. Once you find someone who is already invited, all you need to do is get the invite from him/her and then you can invite others to.

Why is Bluesky an invite-only platform?

Bluesky is getting popular no doubt. When something is popular, people will try to get access to it even if it is difficult. By creating an invite-only method for joining the platform, Bluesky is pre-building its community. You will end up knowing more people this way and it will build loyalty user-towards the platform.

Why can you trust Bluesky?

Bluesky uses a subscription-based model for revenue instead of an advertisement-based model. This means that neither will Bluesky collect your information nor will it manipulate you. This is very different from other social media platforms which rely on advertisements for revenue.

What is the future of Bluesky?

The future of Bluesky is unpredictable because while the subscription-based revenue model can work in the rich West, people in moderate countries would be unwilling to pay for social media. Furthermore, except for Jack Dorsey’s name tag, we don’t know much of the plan.

While people protest for decentralized social media, they hardly care about it during daily use.

Why was Bluesky delayed?

Bluesky was to be launched in 2020 and then in 2021, however, the economic impact of Covid19 made it unfeasible to launch a platform that charges people. Now that it is being launched, the outcome can be judged. As of present, people are showing significant interest in Bluesky.


Bluesky is interesting for all web3 enthusiastic people but it's public acceptance is totally depends on its customer acquisition strategies. If you want Invite Code for Bluesky social please comment. We will share you on first come first serve basis.

Get your Bluesky invite code free online
Karan Khanna
Karan Khanna is a vivid writer who wants to share his online learning experience using his writing skills. He also runs his own business in Internet marketing to help people to scale their business online.
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