How to Write a Marketing Analysis Report Essay

Updated on: March 26, 2020

A market economy has a direct impact not only on business development but also on the lives of ordinary people. Each entrepreneur must take into account all the rules and laws of the modern market. One of the main components of entrepreneurial activity is systematic market research. This rule applies to both beginners in this field and experienced businessmen working for many years. T

herefore, many universities often assign this task to their students. In this article, we will discuss how to correctly make a marketing analysis and to write an essay about it. And if you still feel difficulties, you can get professional help from a custom essay writer you can easily hire at, for example.

Why Marketing Analysis Is Required?

The order of conducting online marketing research depends on the specific task pursued by the businessman. Indirectly it help to identify new products. This will be in demand and service among buyers. Marketing study helps you to learn about what strategies of competitors and changes in consumer taste in market. The main goal of this analysis is to increase the company's revenue through the development of new markets.

The research allows you to identify the pitfalls inherent in the selected market segment. Market development forecasts are based on a thorough analysis of the current state of the economy. Such events allow you to test your chosen niche in order to determine the final strategy that will be applied for business development. One of the important areas of marketing research is the analysis of the scientific and technical sphere. Timely investment in this direction allows you to get large amounts of cash.

How to Do Marketing Research

Below we propose to consider the main activities that must be performed when writing an academic essay. In addition, it will be useful even when doing a real marketing analysis for your business.


First of all, you need to make a list of questions that need to be answered. A well-designed marketing research plan is a list of questions divided into separate groups. These groups form sections of the final report. The average marketing analysis plan includes the following sections:

  • Analysis of the total market size and development trends.
  • A study of a particular segment highlighting important factors that have a key influence.
  • Analysis of competitors.
  • The study of the state of the economy.
  • The study of the distribution of product groups.
  • Learning effective advertising techniques.
  • Studying the basic needs of potential customers.
  • Identification of major trends among consumer groups.

Marketing Analysis report

Ready-Made Marketing Research Examples

In the field of marketing, there are no universal tools that can be used in various cases. The specific method for collecting analytical information depends on the characteristics of the object of study. Below we propose to consider an example of conducting a marketing analysis.

It's required to set a goal and reasons behind goal. Based on this goal, specific tools and techniques will be selected & being used. At the initial stage, it is necessary to identify the total number of companies operating in this industry and major competitors. The next important step is to study the quality of goods on the market

After receiving the above data, you need to go to a series of consumer surveys. At this stage, it is necessary to carefully analyze consumer demand for products of local and foreign manufacturers. We can easily identify the prospect according to the information we received.

Analysis and Obtaining Results

Sociological research is of high importance for every area of ​​entrepreneurship and commerce. Success in the product market can only be achieved through careful study of the chosen field. Companies focused on continuous development order several large studies throughout the year.

The information collected as a result of a focus group survey should be carefully analyzed and edited in accordance with the needs of the entrepreneur. After that, an additional telephone survey of people who took part in the initial analysis is carried out. All questionnaires should be carefully edited and distributed according to the basic principles.

The data obtained as a result of the analysis should be written in your essay. It is important to take into account the number of indicators used in the study of the chosen field. If there are several variables, you need to study each indicator separately.

Evaluation and Conclusions

The processed data is used in the preparation of the final report. This report helps you to get a conclusion for your data analysis. It not only help you to take smart business decisions in marketing but also good user engagements.

Post Tags: #Marketing Analysis #marketing plan #marketing report
Saurabh Mukhekar
Saurabh Mukhekar is a Professional Tech Blogger. World Traveler. He is also thinker, maker, life long learner, hybrid developer, edupreneur, mover & shaker. He's captain planet of BlogSaays and seemingly best described in rhyme. Follow Him On Facebook

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