How to Watch Youtube Videos Without Ads on Mobile & PC

Updated on: September 20, 2020

YouTube becoming the best online video creation tool for this era. We are so much interested to consume visual content over text content. It's only possible due to the availability of the Internet across the globe. But as users started increasing, Youtube ads also started increasing. It's a bit annoying if you are not using YouTube Premium services. Watching Youtube videos without Ads what everyone demands. If you observe carefully during transition also these ads causing lots of distraction.

YouTube is a free video content creation platform so we cannot expect Youtube to make it ad-free for everyone. Technology changes as per human behavior and content consumption psychology. So we have to find our ways to tackle every obstacle of this 2 sided sword. Recently I found some workaround to fix your Youtube ads distraction.

How to watch Youtube videos without ads on Mobile & PC?

There are the following ways:

  1. Subscribe to the Youtube Premium service. (PAID)
  2. Using UC Turbo Browser (FREE)
  3. by adding (.)  after .COM  of URL e.g:  (FREE)

YouTube Premium

1. Subscribe to Youtube Premium service (Paid):  

Youtube Premium is an amazing service I personally use. It not only removes all ads from your video content but also provides you more value-added things like YouTube Music, PiP(Picture In Picture), Playing Youtube videos in background on mobile  etc. I highly recommended this as it's super easy with heterogeneous benefits. Its cheaper and available for free trial as per your location.

Latest UC Turbo Download apk online

2. Using UC Turbo Browser (FREE) :

UC Turbo browser for android is another way to get rid of ads in any Youtube videos. You can use this method only on Android mobile. UC Turbo has many other features like you can play videos in the background using music icons on the same page. Using the UC Turbo browser you can easily avoid all kinds of ads on your Youtube video & will able to watch quality content without interruption.

PS: if UC Turbo is not available for your country at Play Store you can download UC Turbo from here

3. By adding (.)  after .COM  of URL e.g:  (FREE)

Update: Look like Google Fixed this issue & it's not working anymore.

This is a really interesting finding by Reddit users. According to him, if you want to watch Youtube without any ads on your mobile and PC then you have to add DOT(.) after .COM of any YouTube URL.  Consider this example, If I'm having this URL: then I have to edit it like this ->

In short, no one wants to see ads while consuming video content, but

So they will not boycott it but you can easily skip youtube video ads by following any of the above methods. If you face any issue while implementing the above things do let us know in the comments will help you to get rid of your video ads from youtube.

Saurabh Mukhekar
Saurabh Mukhekar is a Professional Tech Blogger. World Traveler. He is also thinker, maker, life long learner, hybrid developer, edupreneur, mover & shaker. He's captain planet of BlogSaays and seemingly best described in rhyme. Follow Him On Facebook

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