How Does the Word Counter Tool help Story Writers?

Updated on: February 13, 2020

It is not an easy job to develop a plot, design characters and weave everything through a plot. This is what professional story writers need to do in a nutshell. For someone not related to quality writing, preparing a story plot may not be anything more than compiling words. This is definitely not so easy. Story writers use their intelligence, creativity, and knowledge to develop the most unique plots. It is important for them to retain the interest of targeted readers.

Writers have a proper fan following. They start getting followers as soon as a successful book is launched. However, there is a mirror effect as well. These loved writers end up without followers if the book lacks anything. If every chapter of the book does not have the correct word count, the overall layout gets hampered. When a reader goes through such a broken plot, he does not get convinced about spending his free time on a book without complete synchronization.

Having a top standard word counter in the bucket is helpful?

It is nothing less than a nightmare for any professional writer when he has to read each line to check the word count and then add the numbers at the end. This is definitely not a task which these writing experts should spend time on. They have to pay attention to topic coverage, fact-finding, and other related tasks. A word counter is a powerful tool that runs through written content and determines the word count.

  • Consider that you have to work on an urgent blog post that has to be published in 24 hours. Timely submission is very important when you are writing blogs on a professional scale. If a post is not completed on time, it loses its importance. Word counter eliminates the need to pause the writing tasks after a regular time slot. This is what professional writers are expected to do if they do not use a word counter.


Suitable for employment experience details

While registering on an employment website, a candidate has to go through some integral steps. A lot of portals require the candidate to enter a brief description of the professional experience they have. A text box is provided in which the details have to be entered. These details have a word limit in terms of words or even characters. Apparently, counting the words manually is still a possibility but it is almost impossible to check the number of characters written in a post. It would take an hour to check the characters in a paragraph.

  • These websites reject the registration process if the characters exceed the maximum count or fall below the minimum figure. As a result, the candidate has to go through the entire process again and determine the character count. The word counter is a hassle-free alternative developed for this purpose. Now, you do not need to check the number of characters by counting them on your finger. A good word counting tool would provide the correct figure and that too in seconds. If you take the unwanted pressure of counting the characters manually, it means spending hours which could have been used for a better purpose.
  • Saving time is a major plus of using these tools. It is obvious that you would not want to spend an hour filling an employment form. This is exactly what you would have to do if a word count is not used. This tool determines the correct count of the number of characters and words in a piece of content. No double-checking or proofreading is needed.

Social media submissions with word count limitations

There is a certain tone which social media writers have to adopt. They have to be sure that the tone is crisp and no boredom is caused by the reader. For this purpose, every post is written with a specific word limit. While preparing the content, social media writers have to be sure that this limit is not crossed. The use of a word counting application is the best way to keep a check.

  • The working procedure of this tool is strong but very simple. There is a text box in which you have to write/paste the related content chunk. In real-time, the application runs through the text and checks the count (words and characters). Social media professionals have to publish new posts regularly so that readers do not deviate. This happens if a page does not offer unread content to the reader every now and then. Readers seek variety and they do not stick with social media pages that fail to offer it. This free tool eliminates the problem of producing the correct word count. When the post is prepared, use this tool to determine the exact count.

Seeking uploading alternatives

It is hard for anyone to use complicated tools in a comfortable manner. The word counting tool is quite simple. There are multiple alternatives for uploading the content.

  • If you are comfortable with the “drag and drop” option, you can use it for file uploading. The other alternative is selecting the file by browsing for it. Both these options work well for the users.
  • Content can be copied and pasted into the text box directly as well. In a nutshell, any one of the three options can be picked by the user.

Complexities avoided due to online usage

Installing applications before using them is a wastage of time. Most internet users prefer online tools as they can be used without going through lengthy application setup stages. The word counter is a 100% online option so installations are not a necessity. Using the standard tools that run in offline mode is a hard task for normal users.

These people do not have a high standard of technical knowledge. Thus, problems are faced when they complete different stages of the application setup procedure. It is not possible for these users to get done with configuration procedures in a successful manner. Thus, they strongly opt for online applications so that these stages can be bypassed.

Post Tags: #story writers #word count tools
Saurabh Mukhekar
Saurabh Mukhekar is a Professional Tech Blogger. World Traveler. He is also thinker, maker, life long learner, hybrid developer, edupreneur, mover & shaker. He's captain planet of BlogSaays and seemingly best described in rhyme. Follow Him On Facebook

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