Empowered Vulnerability: A Human Superpower?
Why is [empowered] vulnerability important? Could it be a human superpower? What are the moments in which you have felt most vulnerable?
I believe [empowered] vulnerability is important because it opens room for deep connection and understanding of people and ourselves.
"Vulnerability is... uncertainty, risk, emotional exposure." - Brené Brown
It develops our emotional agility and maintains our emotional well-being... Just as the plant is open to its environment to let in carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water for growth to let in and to let out. A state of movement and flow. A human superpower in co-authoring connective, rich, and sometimes nonverbal life experiences. The nonmaterial you can take with you at the end of this lifetime.
In the moments that I feel completely exposed, I choose to accept my state of vulnerability as an opportunity to challenge, validate, share, and grow the most invisible parts of me. The invisible parts can vary from a way of thinking to default behaviors to unhealed experiences to core needs.
Sometimes I am successful in exercising courage to face my she-ego and lower my wall and in other times, I fail up to the next try. Most times, the outcome of being vulnerable for growth and empowerment is eye-opening and fulfilling. The aim here to be of service to others - an example that inspires people to take action to do something similar and move closer to what makes them truly come alive.
In my experiences of being open with the right people, I have learned to question and explore my/their assumptions, become more aware of healthy and unhealthy behaviors and ways of thinking, and understand people are at core layers. This led to better questions, increased transparent communication, and more solutions and shared understanding.
I practice vulnerability through 3 keys ways:
1. Visualization
Before I interact with a person, I visualize wearing my vulnerability (aka my defense) as a cloak... very much like Harry Potter's invisibility cloak. My cloak is specific to my imagination - it is made out of light, iridescent, and petal-like particles flowing intuitively and in accordance with my internal world. It has the ability to shift, open, and close. I override the default when I choose to be courageous and vulnerable by visualizing my cloak in an open state or completely tucked away depending on the context I am in.
2. Reflective Check-In's
Vulnerability takes brain power and it takes will power. I preserve and expand my power range by completing vulnerability check-in's (VC) with myself through journaling and mind mapping and through sharing it in discussion with someone (usually my family and best friends unless I am public speaking).
The main reflection questions I ask are: Why was this vulnerable? What contributed to it? How can it be different?
3. Measurement
This practice can easily be forgotten in the mental arena. That's why it's important to MAKE IT REAL and track it! I use a system to keep track of my weekly goal of vulnerability check in's (VC) and jot down notes to gauge my progress over time.
For example: "My VC goal for the week of September 16th is 9. I accomplished 7 out of 9 VCs. The net is 2 VCs and the topics covered were family, insecurities, and love."
By tracking my VCs, I am creating constant source of feedback for my growth while developing the practice into habit.
Exercise the courage today and explore your human superpower. You lift others by acknowledging, accepting, and taking care of your authentic self. Let's let love.
"I am inspired by ideas in action and the limitless potential in all of us. Letting love through cooking, personal growth, reading, travel, and writing."