Diaspora:New Open Source Social Network,Hands-on,Free Invitation & Review

Updated on: January 3, 2019


Day by day Social Networking war is going more complicated,every entrepreneur now  trying to acquire the most of the online public  with their cool unique ideas and platform.They also focusing on the privacy of  each person , who share their info over the cloud. After the Facebook ,Google+ now its time of  "Diaspora".


 "Diaspora" an Open Source ,distributed online  social networking booted with their alpha release,you can avail this service through invitation only.Word diaspora implies "scattering of people away from an established one",it basically develop by 4 New York University students Daniel Grippi,Maxwell Salzberg,Raphael Sofaer  & Ilya Zhitomirskiy,With the aim of providing better ,protected and privacy control social networking site ,which was initiated on Feb 2010. I thought that why should we need another social networking if we already on  giants services  like Facebook and Google+ ?  Much pretty answer I found that "Diaspora" team want to focus on Privacy issue in social networking ,which is lagging in Facebook due to lots of Spam attacks,in diaspora you have full control  on sharing ,re-sharing ,liking or messaging of any post which is already on Facebook , right?  🙂

I got the "diaspora" alpha invitation,and now using it !!!  I didn't found any new UI in that rather than it is much similar like Facebook and Google+,which as many features of FB and few of G+ like GIF image sharing.As Diaspora is a  Open-Source SN  site ,It will really help the enterprner to put their ideas openly.Diaspora is totally designed with Ruby on Rail in distributed platform.It uses # tagging mechanism to find your interested topics and streams.Alpha release may need lost of improvements,some functions are still having some issues,which may fixed soon.Grouping mechanism is also similar as  circles in G+ ,called "Aspects" in diaspora 🙂  So friends if you really want to TEST it ,its a right time to play with its features and bug.Lets  start exploring with Diaspora 🙂

  • Features Of Diaspora:

1. Open Source .

2. Using Distributed Environment and Ruby On Rail for development.

3. Focusing on Privacy.

4. Shift + Click photo sharing using Cubbi application.

5 Can share your message to other Social sites ,like publish sync extension of Facebook and G+

  • Diaspora Registration Process:

1. You need an  invitation for  diaspora,as I already connected with it,So  you can simply put your comments with  your Email address below. We will send you the "Diaspora" Alpha invitation for free of course 🙂 .

2.When Sigining up with diaspora you need to fill  up your profile, add user to your network, Follow tags, connect other sites. etc.

I am sharing some snapshot of  Diaspora

Home Page or Dashboard: Home page is much similar as Facebook with lists of options

Diaspora Home Page

Diaspora Home Page

Sharing  Stream:  You can share your mesasage publicly or privatly using "ASpect"

Diaspora Sharing Feature

Diaspora Sharing Feature

Manage  Contacts:

Diaspora Contacts

Diaspora Contacts


DiaSpora Notification

Diaspora Notification

Profile View: Snippiest  of your profile

Diaspora Profile Page

Diaspora Profile Page

Messaging Box:

Diaspora Messages

Diaspora Messages

Settings: From this you can manage your Email alerts

Privacy & Notification Settings:

Manage Diaspora Notification Settings

DiaSpora Notification Settings

Setting -> services: manage your other account to be connected with diaspora

Diaspora Connect Service

Diaspora Connect Service

Diaspora application cubbi.es: This single application enable you to share your online photo to diaspora by holding SHIFT+CLICK .To install it

1.  Simply Visit Cubbi and put your full diaspora Id like [email protected]

Diasopara cubbi.es Installation

Diasopara cubbi.es Installation

2. Grant the permission to access your diaspora

Diasopora Cubbi.es Permissions

Diasopora Cubbi.es Permissions

3. Install the your browser specific Extension & enjoy your SHIFT+CLICK pics sharing

Cubbi.es Extention Installation

Cubbi.es Extention Installation


  • Inviting Your Friends to Diaspora:


1. Using Email: just put email address separated by comma(,) to send email invite.

Diaspora E-Mail  invite

Diaspora E-Mail invite

2. Inviting Facebook friends:  Make sure you already connected your diaspora to Facebook and then you will see list of your Facebook friend ,from that simply add your friend to any  "Aspect ",you will be redirected to Facebook and your invitation send as message to Facebook ,that's  it !!!

Inviting Facebook  Freinds to  Diaspora

Inviting Facebook Freinds to Diaspora

Inviting Facebook Freinds to Diaspora

Inviting Facebook Freinds to Diaspora

Reporting Your Idea Bug or Feedback:  if you encounter any bug,issue or any want to share some of your idea that you might want to be in Diaspora then simply use "FEEDBACK" button and fill it appropriately.

You may contribute your  ideas and code at GitHub

Diaspora Feedback idea

Diaspora Feedback,Idea

Some issue that I faced during Diaspora:

1.  Slow Loading Speed  as they are in Inborn state so they really need  High sppedd servers, you can make a  donataion for that ,do it if u really think diaspora  will be grow rapidly 🙂

2. Updating "Aspect" may took time and export photo option not working yet.

If you want to install and run diaspora on your server simply read this

Videos of  Diaspora:


[note]Do put your ideas and suggestion in diaspora feedback, never forgot to put your Email address in comment  if you want FREE Diaspora invitation[/note]

Post Tags: #Diaspora #Diaspora distributed #Diaspora Features #Diaspora feedback #Diaspora Free Invite #Diaspora invitations #Diaspora notification #Diaspora Overview #Diaspora privacy #Diaspora registration #Diaspora Signup #Diaspora Social Network #distributed social network #extension of cubbi #Free Diaspora invite #installing Diaspora on your server #invite facebook friend to Diaspora #Join Diaspora #New Social Networking #Ruby on rail Diaspora
Saurabh Mukhekar
Saurabh Mukhekar is a Professional Tech Blogger. World Traveler. He is also thinker, maker, life long learner, hybrid developer, edupreneur, mover & shaker. He's captain planet of BlogSaays and seemingly best described in rhyme. Follow Him On Facebook

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  1. Thanks for this post. I've been really curious about the features that this social network has to offer. I think I'll try it (if you can send me an invitation, of course) since I became dissapointed of facebook and deleted my account more than a year ago.

    My email address is [email protected]. It would be much appreciated if you invited me 🙂