Best Digital Detox Apps to Reduce Your Mobile Usages

Updated on: September 17, 2020

If we look back, it doesn’t feel like a lot of time has passed since we developed technology. We got it into the market to make our lives easier and allow us to achieve our goals faster. The times have changed, and the world is changing. It's incredible to see rapid evolution in technology.

Technology has jumped into our society and has made an enormous impact. With time changing the technology also changed and made itself better at performing. Earlier we had only a handful of things that could be made possible through technology. Still, now there are a whole plethora of things that technology can make happen. Most importantly, it has become part of everything now, and we could not prevent ourselves from depending on it.

We are so dependent on technology for very small things. But the technology that is made to make our lives easier has now become a source of distraction. The technology that was supposed to bring people together is making us distant from our loved ones. As technology is advancing, more and more people are getting addicted to their phones and addicted to social media platforms.


This addiction is not only disturbing their work-life but also creating a significant impact on their personal life. As per media reports people are now spending less time meeting people in real life and talking to them. Instead, they are busy on their phones making the connection with their virtual friends. People are living together but go for weeks without having any real, meaningful conversation with their partners. To deal with this reality an informative Netflix documentary "The Social Dilemma " was released. It talks about all the nasty and hidden things of the Internet technology. I really liked it, a must-watch.

What is a Digital Detox :

How would you feel when you come across the statistics which will tell you how much time you wasted by doing unproductive things on your mobile? What if your phone starts keeping a record of no. of times you have to unlock that device? You will not feel good about it and indeed, be ashamed of ruining your time on that. And this might motivate you to keep your phone down and enjoy spending time in the real world. This is nothing but Digital Detoxing.


Well if you have an android device, then Google has launched some new features that will help you to cut out your time on mobile devices. These apps are useful for those individuals who are planning to achieve some goals but getting distracted frequently.

The Initiative of Google is to work towards the Digital Wellbeing of the users. There are several new Digital Detox Apps in the Play Store that are ready to be installed in your devices. Some of them are: -

1. Unlock Clock 

The one that has been previously mentioned is the Unlock Clock, it helps the users to consider their tech usage. The app counts and displays on the main screen the number of times the users have unlocked the phones in their entire day. The app works exactly how its name suggests, once you have installed the app in your device you will notice an Unlock Clock appear at your wallpaper which continuously records and updates the number of times you have unlocked your phone.

Unlock Clock Digital Detox App

This becomes the live wallpaper of your phone, so the first thing you see when you are going to reply to your online friend is the wallpaper which tells you that this is the number of times you have used your phone. This is a little discouraging for the user to get notification about the same, and this will motivate them to use their phones only when it is necessary.

2. Post Box

It is another experiment towards reducing your distraction. The app works to rearrange the timings of your notifications. It is very annoying when you are trying to concentrate on a particular thing but are constantly distracted by the notification bell of your phone about some details which might not be necessary at that particular time.


Suppose a friend of yours has posted something, this can be looked in after a while. Still, the annoying notification bell immediately gives an update which distracts you from something important that you were involved in. The app rearranges that, instead of instantly getting the notifications from several apps in a day, it allows you to select a time according to which you can get your notification. And the app delivers all the notifications from different apps at that particular time only, so you do not get push notifications that distract you during your busy hours.

It also has the feature to look into the notifications at any moment you want, and it won’t block the user from doing so. They store notifications carefully as per the user's usage. But the app won’t serve any notification on its own before the selected time.

3. Morph

This app allows you to see apps according to the location that you are in, suppose you are at your office and working then it is tempting to see notifications and messages on your social media apps.

Due to this, we keep delaying our work by wasting time on such apps but if they are not visible during the work hours and are only visible at the home hours or vice versa the work does not come to home then the user will be able to perform better at work and home.

4. We Flip

This digital detox app made to turn off technology in a group; e.g if you are hanging out for someone's birthday you should focus on actual celebration than celebration updates. it starts the session when everyone joins the group and ends as anyone unlocks the device.

WeFlip Digital Detox App Group

5. Desert Island

This app helps you to focus on your goal-oriented task and only allow you to some essential apps like calculator, camera, etc. Due to this user can become a more goal-oriented person.

Conclusion :

This was a list of a few apps that Google has launched as an Experiment for Digital Wellbeing Program, and there are others too with different features. You can select your own to handle digital detoxing. The apps are very helpful and will reduce the amount of time one spends online.

Saurabh Mukhekar
Saurabh Mukhekar is a Professional Tech Blogger. World Traveler. He is also thinker, maker, life long learner, hybrid developer, edupreneur, mover & shaker. He's captain planet of BlogSaays and seemingly best described in rhyme. Follow Him On Facebook

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